Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dog teeth cleaning?

I would like to have my dog%26#039;s teeth cleaned by a Vet.

Roughly, how much does it cost and what is the procedure like? Do they put the animal to sleep?

Dog teeth cleaning?
Price depends on the vet. Mine charges about $250, including pre-anesthesia bloodwork. They do anesthetize the dog. It%26#039;s possible to do it without anesthesia if you%26#039;ve trained your dog to tolerate the scraping and picking, but imagine how much discomfort you%26#039;d have to put your dog through to get them used to that... Might be better on them to just go for anesthesia once a year. (Or however often you have their teeth cleaned.)

Besides the anesthesia, it%26#039;s just like how you get your teeth cleaned at the dentist. The scrape away the plaque and polish the teeth, and check for problems while they%26#039;re in there.

It%26#039;s really a good thing to get your dog%26#039;s teeth cleaned periodically. If the price is too high for you, ask your vet if they ever run any specials. At my vet, February is %26quot;dental month%26quot; and they give 15% off cleanings that month.
Reply:They put the dog%26#039;s under general anesthetic. It cas get pricey. Definitely over $100.
Reply:my dog needs to get her teeth cleaned too. it is a pricy procedure as the pet is put under a general anaesthetic so it is not uncomfortable. the vet i spoke to said that the price really depends on how bad the dogs teeth are its $100 for the anaesthetic and can cost up to $100-200 extra but $200 extra would be if they were severe. if its just a bit of tarter you are probably looking at around $200-300. Also i would suggest you go buy some dog tooth paste (dont use normal as it can make the dog sick) and a dog tooth brush thats sits on your thumb or if your dogs a brave one you can use a normal electric tooth brush but be gentle. try not to irritate the gums too much. if you ask your vet about this I%26#039;m sure they can help. i brought one for my dog they are quite good but it can take the dog a couple of times to get used to it. However it will not remove all the plaque that will need to be done professionally. hope Ive helped

good luck!
Reply:Yes, normally they%26#039;re anesthetized.

But you can try getting some good brush and dog toothpaste! Mine loves the flavor. They come in chicken, seafood, and vanila.. Yum! I think %26quot;C.E.T. %26quot; is the brand you want.
Reply:I paid $150 for a teeth cleaning for my Pomeranian.

You can always call the vet and ask how much they charge to do teeth cleaning.

Yes they do put them under anesthesia.


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